Mission and Bylaws
The CMSWest PTO is organized exclusively for education purposes, including the distribution of resources and organization of promotional events, which benefit the staff and students of CMSWest.
Click Here for PTO bylaws.
The Objectives and Mission of the CMSWest PTO are to:
- Promote the welfare of our students in home, school & community.
- Develop a link between parents and educators that will secure the highest advantages in physical, intellectual and social education for all students.
- Cultivate a closer relationship between parents and teachers in the education of our children.
All gifts and contributions made to the CMSWest PTO are tax deductible.
Please reach out to CMSWest PTO for any questions, concerns, or ideas for this school year at cmswpto@gmail.com
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, March 12
- Wednesday, April 9
Our Sponsors
We Thank You!