Frequently Asked Questions

We've compiled a list of common questions.  We are here to help!  If you have more questions or think one needs to be added here, please email:

 What forms do I need to complete before I can Volunteer?

Is the Web Store the only way I can order items, pay fees or donate money? 
I don’t want to use a credit card!

  • You can purchase certain PTO items, pay fees or donate money by dropping of a check or cash at the CMS West front office.  Please put the check (made out to CMSW PTO) or cash in an envelope labeled with the student's name and the event name along with your order.

What’s the difference between PE Wear and Athletic Wear?

  • PE Wear is worn by students enrolled in PE Classes.
    Many 6th Graders take PE as an elective, since they are not eligible for Athletics.
  • Athletic Wear is worn by 7th and 8th grade students who choose Athletics for an elective, and are involved with Athletic Teams.

Why don’t you have Athletic Wear on the Web Store site?

  • The Athletic Department handles the sales of all their Athletic Wear.

What’s the difference between PTO Spirit Wear and Athletic Booster Spirit Wear?

  • Both are spirit shirts and other items that can be worn to show enthusiasm about West. 
  • The Wrangler Athletic Booster Club also offers spirit wear that is specific to Athletic teams.
  • Spirit Wear sold by the PTO will soon be available in PTO store along with other items.


What’s school supply fee or bundle at Coppell middle school west ?

School Supply –

  • Includes stationary items like paper, pencil, pen, sticky notes, project paper and other project items which are either used by teachers to facilitate education or stationary which teachers provide to students for use in classroom.
  • All these are shared resources which are used by all students in the classroom and students don’t get to take these back home.
  • Any other personal use items like headphones, personal pencil box need to be bought individually by students based on their use and need. 
  • Either PTO helps school to buy these supplies, or school buys themselves using school supply fees we all were asked to pay at the start of school year.
  • PTO also works with school and t-shirt vendor to purchase spirit wear as part of school supplies for each student who pays for school supplies by first day of school.
  • All parents who pay for school supplies after ‘first day of school’ won't receive a spirit wear t-shirt as part of the package but they can buy it online from PTO store.
  • School supplies fee also include funds to support ‘school supplies fee’ for homeless kids which gets enrolled in our school by CISD.
  • PTO team also tries to partially cover some expenses for events organized by PTO like –movie night, spring social, food trucks.
  • School supply fees include all expenses for year-end grade level fun event for each grade, 8th grade graduation, festival décor & treats, teachers appreciation week events, project grants, software licenses used by teachers / students in school (not for personal use), after school clubs, grade level science projects, STAAR test support, education enrichment sessions.
  • School supplies is not always a defined list of things or material because there are many parents who choose not to pay this fee (excluding extra ordinary situations for which school invites application to support those families), so PTO team works along with school administration to come up list of things and event we can do every year based on total ‘school supplies fee’ collected. PTO team shares yearly budget and expenses made in every monthly PTO meeting – so it’s a great place to be at to get involved.



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